Welcome to our new resource page! We know that finding helpful information by searching on the internet can be overwhelming. We have tried to simplify that process by gathering and sorting much of that information for you and presenting it in an easy to use format. BCCI would like to thank American Baptist’s Creation Justice Network for their valuable support in this project.
To use the resources below, click on a folder or sub-folder. All the items we have available under that topic are listed below in table format. Articles, websites, videos links, sermons, and even events are listed! To view a particular item, click on the ‘View Here’ button and the item will open in a new window for easier viewing. Don’t forget to use the search functions at the top of the table! If you have suggestions for library content, or need help navigating the items, please contact our Director, Katherine Smith, at kasmith@baptistcci.org. Thank you!
Local / Community Engagement
Local / Community Engagement
Christian Education Curricula
Vacation Bible School
Adult Education
Youth Resources
Vacation Bible School
Climate Change
Faith & Science
Climate Resilience
Where to Start
Courses / Programs
Creation Care
Creation Justice
Women's and Children's Issues
Native Americans & Indigenous Groups
Land, Crops, Forests, & Farmed Animals
Environmental Racism
Creation Justice General Info
Endangered Species
Water / Seas / Oceans
Sustainable Living
Women's and Children's Issues
Earth Day
Energy Options
Renewable Energy Options
All About Carbon
Renewable Energy Options
Facilities & Grounds
Liturgical Calendar
Advent / Christmas
Saint Francis & Season of Creation
Lent / Easter
Advent / Christmas
Partners / Organizations
Interfaith Groups
Other Christian Groups (Ecumenical)
Baptist Partners
Interfaith Groups
Pastoral Helps
Biblical Studies
Church 'Green' Teams
Lectionary Commentary
Prayers for Creation
Youth Groups
Biblical Studies
Podcasts & Videos
Take Action
Youth & Children's Activities
Energy Efficiency
Action Steps for Anyone
Youth & Children's Activities
Upcoming Events